
It’s Super Mario 3—Balotelli Scores Hat-trick with His White Bentley GT

Manchester City striker Balotelli, who will always be gossip, breaking up with ex-girlfriend Raffaella several months, once rumored the Ba God a "happy to be father" messages, but his life is so comfortable. Just last night, the British "Sun" captured a scene he played with three hot girls, this time Italian bad boy staged outside alternative "trick".

Last weekend, Manchester City guest at Anfield have a draw play. Back to Manchester,  Balotell as if sleepwalking into a nightclub. God led Pakistan take the lead with the Big Brother "9 followers brother patronize Manchester company called Panacea nightclub, including teammate Lescott, Barry, Dzeko, Colo - Toure, De Jong, Hart and bar God to linger in a nightclub, several teammates play exhilaration .
Balotell blatant disclosed by the media after visiting the club, a day after, the Italian bad boy select a low-key trip, he dressed in that does not make sense crest jacket, it is very subtle. First he and a few friends strolled the streets of Manchester, around 2:20 local time, when eating in a restaurant, Balotell met three babes and eventually accosted successful, then three babes sit on the bar of Balotell’s white Bentley sports car, and four people went to a bar called Sakura.
When Balotell leaves the bar, a few of the girls left with him, Balotell left owned the right to hold six hot girls out of the bar, his white Bentley car obviously can not accommodate so much "spoils of war", and ultimately, Balotell found a white box car to sent three girls away, the remaining three girls got into white Bentley car. Balotell’s sex capacity really lives up to its name, this night, Balotell staged a "hat-trick" on another battlefield, three hot beauties letting the Balotell busy for a whole night ultimately. http://www.heavenjerseys.com


Victoria Beckham’s Scandal Affects Their Relationship

August 29, according to the British "Daily Mail" reported last week, David Beckham has an affair with singer Katherine Jenkins, though both of them denied it, but Victoria is unhappy by this sandal.
Last Thursday, the singer Catherine denied rumors that she and Beckham had an affair on Twitter, in fact, few people know the rumors before, and it is because of Catherine "deny" it has drawn more attention. Does she want to win more fans and make her more famous? Who knows. She wrote on Twitter, "Dear friends, I saw a lot of terrible rumors that Beckham and I had an affair, but we really are just friends., We have only seen twice in public. Moreover, all public occasions, these rumors are not true, I hope you will not believe the rumor. "David and Victoria Beckham's marriage is seen as rock-solid in the entertainment complex, but these rumors let them have a feeling of suffering from a very serious test.

Early in 2004, someone broke the news that David Beckham and former girlfriend Rebecca maintain four months improper relationship, but after that Beckham gave denied, he said: "In addition to my wife Victoria, I will not flirt with others. "Victoria said in an interview that Beckham and she are very difficult in that period of time. She said:" I recognize that for some time over Beckham very difficult, but we ultimately survive, we are now better off than before because of there are always so many rumors outside the world, marriage has always not been an easy thing, we can not give up easily. "
Now, David and Victoria Beckham's feelings again being put to test, Victoria pays her attention to their family, hope that their families will not be affected by rumors. http://www.happy-jerseyshopping.com


Baltimore Ravens Fired Star Kicker

altimore Ravens sacked all-star kicker Billy Cundiff, keep rookie JustinTucker.
     Tucker penalty kick 5 in 5 Ravens in the first three games of the preseason, and he demonstrated more strength than the 32-year-old Cundiff. Tucker scored two in more than 50-yard free kick, Cundiff past year only1 in 6 penalty kick in this distance. What’s more, Tucker's wage is lower. This is the reason why Baltimore Ravens choose Tucker rather than Billy Cundiff. In this way, Billy Cundiff has a more powerful player by paying less money. It’s the best choice.
    Tucker is an unselected rookie free player, he was invited to Ravens training camp. Cundiff was named to the Pro Bowl for the 2010 season, but in AP final last season against the Patriots, at the crucial moment, he penalty throw a 32-yard free-kick equalizer. It’s a big mistake for him and all fans.
    "Make this decision is not easy for us," said coach John - Hubble. "Billy's performance in training camp is very good, as usual, he demonstrated the best state when trainging. His toughness and ability to come out of the shadow of that kick from the penalty throw, to become a top NFL kicker hand. "If Cundiff want to continue to own NFL career, he could only go to the other teams to have a try. This is just my opinion.
     Tucker graduated from the University of Texas, he believes he has grown into a better kicker in training camp." To be frank, it looks like I did not change much, but I have changed from college kicker to a new kicker," he said. "I feel I have kicked out in the best state." Billy Cundiff must be very disappointed by the outcome, however, he will continue his effort to make a better performance in the near future. We believer that he will work harder and try his best to realize his dream. WWW.JERSEYS-WHLOSALE-ONLINE.COM


Bryant Lawsuit Which Lasted for Seven Years up to Reconciliation

August 28, Kobe Bryant had physical contact with fans 7 years ago, sued awful lawsuit finally the lawsuit ends with reconciliation.
Just after Bryant’s 34-year-old birthday, awful lawsuit settlement can be regarded as a gift. This issue happened in November 2005, when Kobe leads Lakers to challenge Grizzlies, the final Lakers was defeated with 73-85.
Perhaps the competition process is not smooth, Bryant is affected, his arm in a scramble for the ball bounded blow to a man named Bill - Quisling fans who lead the fans lungs enlargement. Quisling afterwards sued Bryant, requires compensation of $ 75,000.
"I saw rushed to me with high-speed, then the forearm blow to me," Quisling recalls, "He is deliberately forearm hit my chest, but did not apologize, he pushed me, and then left."
Quisling said, that game Bryant lost, and the referee does not give whistle, so Bryant was angry.
In 2008, Gisborne died when he is 51 years old, but his mother continued to fight awful lawsuit.
There is no evidence that Bryant is related with Kyrgyz’s death, but Kyrgyz said that he feels like a sandbag before his death" He had a lawsuit, think Bryant should not have caused him" this pain ".
Kyrgyz family appeal, originally scheduled to hold a further hearing today, but Kobe Bryant and the defendant did not want to go to court again, the two sides finally reached a settlement, the specific contents of the agreement have not publicly.
"I do not want to pay less attention to Kyrgyz than death, and he's injured," he wrote, "But when you present the game while watching the NBA, you have to make the volume is twice the player you flew your the body preparation you should bear the risk, unless you do not want to let the players play hard and we should not be due to a players play hard against him. "
If this is the case, the players were after in scraping foul ball to think again. www.nfljerseyslord.com  


James Shows His Humor in Interactive Quiz

August 26, James do Twitter interactive quiz with his fans, face the various questions from the fans, James easily deal with the questions from time to time during the quiz.
The first question is: on the path of growth, who is your favorite player. "Little emperors" answered: "Jordan, hadawei and Iverson."
What is the best thing he ever bought below $ 50? James said that he bought a green navy raincoat in high school, "I wear it every day."
James hairline has been the object, fans naturally will not miss this opportunity to have fun at him. Someone asked: "where your hairline?" James didn’t avoid it, and joking replied: "Man, I do not know, if you find it, please tell me, we can pick it back together. "
James said the most enjoyable moment in the Olympic Games is win the game. And the most wonderful feeling is to win the first NBA championship after he became a professional player. Someone asked what his hidden talent? James's answer was cute: "I can’t tell you the answer, or it will not be hidden, huh, huh."
Skip Bayless, the host of ESPN's, is a famous “black Zhan”, repeatedly mocking James in the show, someone asked what’s his feeling towards these people? James answered: "I did not feel anything! I have never seen him, he is great on television."
“If people will remember you, in what way do you like best?” James exposed his ambition: One of the greatest players in history of basketball." James replied.
"I do not know the things, I can only talk about my own experiences," talk to the most recent topic of Howard, James again turn to his own, "We all like basketball, like to play, we make every effort to get it to continue to do our strive to achieve our goals."
Many commented that the 2012 Grand Slam allow James to complete the transition, but in fact, after the bitter experience of loss to Dallas, James officially decides: "Do it yourself." www.unclesamjerseys.com


Wade: James Has Strength To Exceed Jordan, But There Is A Long Way to Go!

"I do not know that whether James will beyond the Jordan or not," Wade said, "It is not clear to said that now, I think it looks like playing golf games, Jordan has come to the 18-hole, James comes to 4. He still has a long way to go, but he has the ability to reach the 18-hole. "
Wade, James have the strength to go beyond the Jordan, but his achievement is still lagging behind. "I want everyone to know that James is a phenomenal player, he has a height of 2.03 meters, while the speed of the defender and bounce like center, he has the ability to do a lot of things, and we have not seen before such a comprehensive players."Wade said," but Michael Jordan is the greatest player, which is well-recognized, and it’s difficult to exceed him. "
James has recently received the "Grand Slam", to help the U.S. team to get the Olympic gold medal in London Olympics, the previous championship to help the Heat, NBA Finals MVP, the MVP of the regular season, this is a big year in Collect these honors in the same year, after only Jordan has done in 1992.
"He is now confident and has good state, we found that his overall excellent performance in the game, he will be a Hall of Famer in the near future," Wade said, "the next three years will be his best stage, if after that to maintain the healthy, 30-year-old can stay healthy, he will continue for the state, like Jordan, like Kobe Bryant. "
"If your team can stay away from injuries, then we may do it," Wade said. Wade also expect to be able to get more championship together with James: "Now we've got one, if compared with the other teams, there is room for improvement, we continue to get better, and hope to the Finals, win the next."


Victor Valdes Loosed A Valuable Ball, What A Pity It Is!

4:1 suddenly change to 3:2,This scene took place in the 85th minute in the game, Messi then Iniesta passing shot in the restricted area near Casey saved, followed by Real Madrid counterattack, passing Adrian Arno steals, but after adefovir return Valdes, Valdes stopping, dribbling mistakes Dimaliya steals ultimately Dimaliya Kongmen break the door.
    Valdes First, stop the left foot too long, the ball is too far away from the body, but still within the scope of his control, see Dima Elijah stepped forward to challenge for the ball, Valdes manage ball with his right foot, trying to protect the ball, but then in the confrontation with Dimaliya, his body loses its balance, Dimaliya subsequently make the break.

In this moment, the two goalkeepers Iker Casillas and Valdes around the score of the game, Spanish media "Yahoo Sports," said Casillas and Valdes save the Real Madrid at the same time ". Because if it is 4:1, Real Madrid second round almost no chance to comeback, a score of 3 to 1 is also very difficult to get a small ball-negative results, but have two goals, Real Madrid has the opportunity to fight with Barcelona at home. Real Madrid's former vice-captain Guti said: "Thank you, Victor Valdes."
    Valdes Barcelona goalkeeper has been nearly 10 years, he has been considered as the "butter hand, he has had done a lot of wrong things.Turkish goalkeeper Rustu yesterday to return to Barcelona, and called Valdes, he was at Valdes's main position by the outstanding performance of the 02 World Cup , but eventually the young Valdes snatch away the main soon because in addition to the Rustu also have a very low-level errors more because Valdes know more about this club has the most unique style of football - the goalkeeper should their feet to attack.


What’s NHL?

National Hockey League, NHL, is a professional sports alliance composed with North American ice hockey team. NHL is one of the world's highest levels of professional hockey game and it is one of the four major North American professional sports. Teams are divided into East and West regions, each region is divided into three partitions.

Union was established in 1917 in Montreal, Quebec, at first, it established five teams, after a series of extensions, now it has a total of 30 teams, 24 in the United States, six in Canada. Cancel the entire 2004-2005 season because of the players strike, the Union has a successful 2005-2006 regular season and the 2006 Stanley Cup playoffs.
Traditionally, because the Alliance of Canadian descent, most of the players are Canadian. Readily available to the U.S. expansion as well as its high standard compared to other Union and Eastern Europe, behind the Iron Curtain after the fall of the output of the high level players active in NHL, the trend of players in Europe and the United States the number of players has increased significantly. Even so,2005-half of the players in the 2006 season roster still born in Canada
NHL game is in the hockey pitch. In general, each team has six players at the same time on the field, each one wearing skates; a team of five players and a goalie. The goal of the game is called "Puck" hardened rubber disc Launched into the enemy goal of each end of the court and score. Players control objects with one end of the long bar with bent propeller ice hockey. The goalkeeper managed to let hockey into the goal within.
60 minutes per game the regular NHL season. The competition is divided into three sections, each of 20 minutes, a 15-minute pause between each. After the end of the regular 60 minutes, the maximum number of goals the team win.


Turkey Coach Blasted The NBA: European Players Lost, Coaches Are Moron!

It’s a dream for so many players that can be able to join in NBA or become a coach of NBA. However, there is a coach who has no interest to become NBA coach. According to news "Sportando", the Turkish national team coach Bo Gedan montagne Abramovich scoff NBA coach.
Tanjevic is currently preparing for the 2013 European Championship qualifier between Turkey and Italy, there are a lot of young players in his team. However, the Jazz inside Enns - Kantor was not available. This summer, Kantor decided to quit the national team. This decision, make Tanjevic unhappy..
How can Turkish national team do? Team's core lineup is the same as before, many players were born in 1990-1992. Canterbury? He is of great talent, and we miss him very much, but he decided to be away from national team. Honestly, he never took training with us. "Tanjevic said.
Kantor topic stretched down, Tanjevic started at gunpoint to the United States. "Italian doesn’t have Bargnani and Belinelli, we don’t have Kantor. Such kind of thing is not so strange. You can get lost easily in U.S., because the coaches in NBA are ignorant. Only three or four coaches are good in NBA, the other coaches are moron, which include the Jazz coach Tyrone - Corbin. "
"I really do not want to mention his name, I should have told him I will do him a favor, I will help him to teach his very talented player, so that he can still make big money, but I really do not know how to communicate with such a ignorant guy. Kantor had forgotten how to play, he has no potential to become a center as an insider, he could have a devastating blow to the opponent Although he was two meters tall and 10 , but he is the most accurate guy in the NBA, he does not shoot in NBA. "Tanjevic said.


Jordan High School Teacher Destitute, An American Reporter Condemned Jordan Didn’t Offer Any Help

Michael Jordan, can be described as troubled, not only the Charlotte Bobcats clunker, American sports reporter Thomas - Lexus also wrote a letter to Jordan, accused him of many years refused to aid his high school mentor Pope - Herring, adding that his actions "shameful". The following is a summary translation.
Dear Mr. Michael - Jordan:

    I heard Herring jail, drove him a visit in one night. You remember the Pope, he is your mentor in the high schools of North Carolina Wilmington Lenny. Exactly what he will lend his car to you, and take you to his home, be your own son general; exactly what he, you in your high school sophomore when the two teams promoted into the school team. In 2009, in the Hall of Fame ceremony, you still bear grudges and he did not let you get into a team.
    The pop life falls apart after you leave. This is not his fault, their home is a disease and paranoid schizophrenia by the invasion of his increasingly eccentric behavior, he lost his job, his wife and daughter left him, and he is now almost nothing, he began drinking .
    You have to help him? A full 18 years, you have never done this before. He and his friends say, the last time I saw you in Chicago in 1994, a gala dinner, you are introduced to the fans that he actually said "this is the first one to suppress my people," fans immediately booed.
    You know his predicament? I think that may, at least no later than January of this year, when Sports Illustrated published an article I wrote articles about him. Shortly after the publication of my article, but also occurred a sensational thing. A man with murder of a young woman, the corpses buried in the courtyard of the Pope family, and he himself was hiding his home for a while. When the police arrived, the Pope drunk and unable to answer, also was arrested, even though he and the case is no implicated.
    Unconsciousness, Pope repeatedly missed the trial, eventually being thrown in prison. Until I went to visit him to pay a $ 100 bail, he regained his freedom.
    Mike, I know you can not rescue him, but at least you can help him. He has created you, and now you wealthy. You can buy from the landlord hands Nadong broken house to give him, or tear down the reconstruction. Do not be too extravagant, as long as the cap layer of cottage, to ensure that when the next typhoon, he will not be blown away on the line; You can also hire a doorman, and remind him not to miss the next court hearing.


Thomas - Lexus


James Promised to Participate in Rio Olympic

“Dream 10” has just won the champion of the Olympic Games in London, LeBron - James experienced a championship year, won eleven NBA championship, MVP, NBA Finals MVP and Olympic champion, became the first person after - Michael Jordan. James will not be satisfied with it, he promised himself that he will participate in the next session of the Rio Olympics.

Kobe Bryant has said that he will not participate in the next Olympic Games. He was already 38 years old and the next world will belong to the young people such as Kevin - Durant. Durant said that he wishes to fight side by side again with James. James has done that.
Even he never entered the university, James is very confident of his own mathematical, "I have calculated that, then, I will be 31 years old," he said, he will be in the fourth time for the Olympic Games if not injured and the rules allowed.
In the U.S. men's basketball history, only three people had participated in the Olympic Games three times, James is one of them. If he participates in 2016, he will become the first person in the history of USA Basketball.
In his first appearance at the international arena, he was failed in Athens. U.S. team learns from their mistakes and change selecting mode, the lineup roughly fixed, finally recapture the gold medal at the Beijing Olympics. In the London Olympic Games, James shows his increasingly mature style, got the gold medal again.
James returned to his hometown a few days ago, he appeared on the floor to pay tribute to the audience during the rest of the little league baseball game, the home fans cheering for him, but also mixed with boos. Unfortunately, the microphone broke down, James failed to make a speech.


The Fan broke into The Stadium, Macy Give Him a Five!

FIFA national team day, there are so many friendly and warm-up matches. The German home failed1:3 to Argentina, the Netherlands lost as 2:4 to Belgium. Other matches are placid.              Interestingly, Macy rate Argentina beat nemesis Germany in World War I, he treated kindly to a fan who break into the stadium. This issue become a hot topic after the game.
With Hedi La Oolong, Messi and Higuain's goal, in Frankfurt 3:1 Lectra Germany, Argentina wins this match. The focus of this war is still Messi missed a penalty, missed a necessary goal, but still scored a goal in the football a brother on the road is still the darling of the German fans. Interesting scene before the whistle, which shows the high popularity of the Macy's and sought after degree.
    At the first 89 minutes in this race, suddenly the referee whistle to indicate play is suspended. Originally, one wearing a white T-shirt, dark jeans German fans, breaking the security of the block broke into the stadium, to Messi, he ran past, but also a thumbs-up, his face full of smiles. Seeing the "uninvited guest" came to the front of him, Messi did not like a lot of big players, in order to choose to dodge their own safety. The face of the outstretched hand of the fans, Messi smile and friendly manner their fived.     Obviously, the fans are die-hard fans of Lionel Messi, close contact with the idol, not hesitate to break into the stadium to clap and Macy, the fans excited rallying cry like a winner generally satisfied, then only without a fight to be security away from the stadium. Germany's Commerzbank Stadium in Frankfurt, which broke out in applause and cheers!


Jordan Is Not The Greatest Player ----John - Sally

Michael Jordan has always been considered as the greatest basketball player in the history, but someone doesn’t agree with this view. According to the news of the Detroit Free Press, the former Pistons player John – Sally said the greatest player is not Michael Jordan (his personal opinion). It’s even difficult to put Jordan into the top three.
    Who is the best player in NBA? For most people, the answer may be the same. So far, no one can challenge - Michael Jordan's dominance, but for former Detroit Pistons star, once the bad boy of the Legion, John - Sally, the greatest player is not Jordan.
    "I like Michael very much, "Sally said," like others, I was one of Michael Jordan’s fans, but I do not think he is the greatest player in the history. I have played against over the players, I think the greatest is the Magic Johnson, followed by - Larry Bird, and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and I have encountered the most difficult defensive guy, Haggi Tim - Hakeem Olajuwon and Mike Haier. "
    Talking about who is the greatest players fighting alongside, Sally said Isiah Thomas without hesitate. Isiah Thomas, led by two bad boy Legion wins the NBA champion, 11 career All-Star team in that era, Michael Jordan is still stiff, like a spider web of insects inadvertently at that time, always in a constant struggle. until 1991, the Bulls finally overturned the piston, to complete salvation, while Jordan started toward the Temple.
    Coincidentally, Sally has not only become Jordan's opponent, but also become his teammate. When Jordan is 32, Sally was in the Bulls in a short-term. He worked with Lakers in the final year of the 1999-00. Bryant is only 21 years old, when it comes to Jordan, Sally is still stuck to their point of view.
    "Michael is a good player and a great player." Sally said, "but he was not the best player in the league."


Big Love for Kobe Bryant

Bryant is a shooting guard, but also has the ability to play the small forward position. He is considered one of the excellent players in the NBA, he is selected in he All-NBA team every year Since 1999. And he participated has good performance in the recent 12th NBA All-Star Game (2010 season All-Star Game to miss because of injury) Sports writer and sports commentator used to get Kobe Bryant and Michael Jordan in comparison, but Bryant doesn’t like this kind of comparison. In 2007, sports reporter from ESPN voted the greatest point guard, after Jordan Kobe Bryant ranked second.
     Atlas is a prolific scorer, he has averages of 25.4 points, 5.3 rebounds, 4.7 assists and 1.5 steals per game in his career. (up to 2011-2012 season, the end of the regular season). He is one who has the ability to create own scoring opportunities, he has to share with the people hit 12 three-pointers in NBA single-game.  Bryant was often been considered to be one of the NBA best scorer.  Although his hit rate is very general, he used his speed and athletic ability to escape defensive player in order to complete the attack, almost no offensive blind. Bryant's best move is his turnaround jumper, his upped and fade away pitching. Sports Illustrated NBA writer Chris Ballard described Bryant's  move : “pace and pause”, he put his non-axis foot forward so that make the defender relax, and then quickly started to throw off opponents broke into the basket.
    In addition, he was still an excellent defender, he was named to the NBA All-Defensive Team First Team or Second Team in the last 11 seasons (2000-2011).
 Bryant was considered to be one of the strongest players in NBA critical moment. Turner networks (TNT) and the Sports News Network (Sporting News) regard Bryant as the best player of the 2000-2009 NBA10 years. 

Kobe - Bryant's Last Olympics

The “ten dreams team” had a flawless Olympics, they experienced a called Olympic history's greatest games, successfully defending a gold medal. As for Kobe -Bryant, thisg Olympic Games and the Olympic gold medal is of great importance as this is the last time he participated in the world biggest sporting event.

Kobe Bryant updates his FACEBOOK, he is proud to show his certificate in London Olympic Games, at the same time he announced officially that this is his last Olympics.

Until now I still can't believe that the Olympic Games have ended, my present state is still in yesterday. I entered the stadium with a purpose to win the gold medal. But after everything is settled, the medal has its master, some athletes realized their dreams, some people regret and return, which is the Olympic charm.

This charm will remain until 2016, Rio de Janeiro opening of the Olympic Games, I mentioned the charm, refers to the athletes determination, perseverance, spirit, hard work, sacrifice, the pain and mental.For those in this session of the Olympic Games. Athletes at the Rio Summit, they will achieve the goal? For those who do get medal, they were able to maintain their power in the next Olympic Games still standing at the top of the world?

Think of these things is full of excitement., athletes from all over the world are trying to training, in somewhere on earth, he did not get the attention of people, no television broadcast, no banner and the Inspirational Songs, they just work hard. All the preparations are for Olympic Games, win a medal is a huge glory for them.

You can imagine, in a corner of the world, a young boy aspiring to break Phelps's record? When you look at the past Olympic Games, when you look ahead to Rio de Janeiro, please don't forget these players and they had a great story. You never know, you might find that a "Boulter".