
It’s Super Mario 3—Balotelli Scores Hat-trick with His White Bentley GT

Manchester City striker Balotelli, who will always be gossip, breaking up with ex-girlfriend Raffaella several months, once rumored the Ba God a "happy to be father" messages, but his life is so comfortable. Just last night, the British "Sun" captured a scene he played with three hot girls, this time Italian bad boy staged outside alternative "trick".

Last weekend, Manchester City guest at Anfield have a draw play. Back to Manchester,  Balotell as if sleepwalking into a nightclub. God led Pakistan take the lead with the Big Brother "9 followers brother patronize Manchester company called Panacea nightclub, including teammate Lescott, Barry, Dzeko, Colo - Toure, De Jong, Hart and bar God to linger in a nightclub, several teammates play exhilaration .
Balotell blatant disclosed by the media after visiting the club, a day after, the Italian bad boy select a low-key trip, he dressed in that does not make sense crest jacket, it is very subtle. First he and a few friends strolled the streets of Manchester, around 2:20 local time, when eating in a restaurant, Balotell met three babes and eventually accosted successful, then three babes sit on the bar of Balotell’s white Bentley sports car, and four people went to a bar called Sakura.
When Balotell leaves the bar, a few of the girls left with him, Balotell left owned the right to hold six hot girls out of the bar, his white Bentley car obviously can not accommodate so much "spoils of war", and ultimately, Balotell found a white box car to sent three girls away, the remaining three girls got into white Bentley car. Balotell’s sex capacity really lives up to its name, this night, Balotell staged a "hat-trick" on another battlefield, three hot beauties letting the Balotell busy for a whole night ultimately. http://www.heavenjerseys.com

