
Jordan High School Teacher Destitute, An American Reporter Condemned Jordan Didn’t Offer Any Help

Michael Jordan, can be described as troubled, not only the Charlotte Bobcats clunker, American sports reporter Thomas - Lexus also wrote a letter to Jordan, accused him of many years refused to aid his high school mentor Pope - Herring, adding that his actions "shameful". The following is a summary translation.
Dear Mr. Michael - Jordan:

    I heard Herring jail, drove him a visit in one night. You remember the Pope, he is your mentor in the high schools of North Carolina Wilmington Lenny. Exactly what he will lend his car to you, and take you to his home, be your own son general; exactly what he, you in your high school sophomore when the two teams promoted into the school team. In 2009, in the Hall of Fame ceremony, you still bear grudges and he did not let you get into a team.
    The pop life falls apart after you leave. This is not his fault, their home is a disease and paranoid schizophrenia by the invasion of his increasingly eccentric behavior, he lost his job, his wife and daughter left him, and he is now almost nothing, he began drinking .
    You have to help him? A full 18 years, you have never done this before. He and his friends say, the last time I saw you in Chicago in 1994, a gala dinner, you are introduced to the fans that he actually said "this is the first one to suppress my people," fans immediately booed.
    You know his predicament? I think that may, at least no later than January of this year, when Sports Illustrated published an article I wrote articles about him. Shortly after the publication of my article, but also occurred a sensational thing. A man with murder of a young woman, the corpses buried in the courtyard of the Pope family, and he himself was hiding his home for a while. When the police arrived, the Pope drunk and unable to answer, also was arrested, even though he and the case is no implicated.
    Unconsciousness, Pope repeatedly missed the trial, eventually being thrown in prison. Until I went to visit him to pay a $ 100 bail, he regained his freedom.
    Mike, I know you can not rescue him, but at least you can help him. He has created you, and now you wealthy. You can buy from the landlord hands Nadong broken house to give him, or tear down the reconstruction. Do not be too extravagant, as long as the cap layer of cottage, to ensure that when the next typhoon, he will not be blown away on the line; You can also hire a doorman, and remind him not to miss the next court hearing.


Thomas - Lexus

