
Turkey Coach Blasted The NBA: European Players Lost, Coaches Are Moron!

It’s a dream for so many players that can be able to join in NBA or become a coach of NBA. However, there is a coach who has no interest to become NBA coach. According to news "Sportando", the Turkish national team coach Bo Gedan montagne Abramovich scoff NBA coach.
Tanjevic is currently preparing for the 2013 European Championship qualifier between Turkey and Italy, there are a lot of young players in his team. However, the Jazz inside Enns - Kantor was not available. This summer, Kantor decided to quit the national team. This decision, make Tanjevic unhappy..
How can Turkish national team do? Team's core lineup is the same as before, many players were born in 1990-1992. Canterbury? He is of great talent, and we miss him very much, but he decided to be away from national team. Honestly, he never took training with us. "Tanjevic said.
Kantor topic stretched down, Tanjevic started at gunpoint to the United States. "Italian doesn’t have Bargnani and Belinelli, we don’t have Kantor. Such kind of thing is not so strange. You can get lost easily in U.S., because the coaches in NBA are ignorant. Only three or four coaches are good in NBA, the other coaches are moron, which include the Jazz coach Tyrone - Corbin. "
"I really do not want to mention his name, I should have told him I will do him a favor, I will help him to teach his very talented player, so that he can still make big money, but I really do not know how to communicate with such a ignorant guy. Kantor had forgotten how to play, he has no potential to become a center as an insider, he could have a devastating blow to the opponent Although he was two meters tall and 10 , but he is the most accurate guy in the NBA, he does not shoot in NBA. "Tanjevic said.

