
NBA Power Rankings: The 25 Most Scandalous Moments in League History (II)

Many of the scandals or incidents detailed in this list weren't the direct responsibility of the NBA, but damage to a player or former player's image is always tied to the league that gave him exposure.
22: Tim Hardaway
    In 2007, Hardaway said straight-up that he hates gay people.
    "You know, I hate gay people, so I let it be known. I don't like gay people and I don't like to be together with gay people. I am homophobic. I don't like it. It shouldn't be in the world or in the United States."
David Stern banished Hardaway from the events that year's All-Star weekend and Hardaway eventually issued a public apology for a rant that includes a lot more than the above quote.
21: Pacers/Pistons Brawl
    This event was so intense that it transcended being categorized as an on-court fight and became an issue the league had to deal with for months.
What started with a shove from Ben Wallace, escalated into a chaotic scene that had Ron Artest and Stephen Jackson fighting with fans in the stands, and several other players dishing out punishment all over the floor.
20: 2006 NBA Finals

The Mavericks were up two games to zero and had the lead in the fourth quarter of game three of the 2006 NBA Finals.  Then the referees took over.
Dwyane Wade averaged 18.3 free-throw attempts a game over the last four of the series, and did little to earn his trips to the line.
Not even Michael Jordan got the kind of calls Wade was getting.  The series had many wondering if the fix was on. 
19: Carmelo Anthony
    This mugshot is for a DUI, but this doesn't represent Melo's only run-in with the law since he became an NBA employee.He was also caught in an airport with marijuana. www.jerseyslord.com

